Neutron is the professional music player witha high quality 32/64-bit audio rendering engine which delivers thebest possible Hi-Fi grade quality of sound on Android device.The reliable, platform independent, native core provides consistentbehavior on all devices. Oh, and did we mention all thewidgets and wallpapers in doubleTwist Widgets are free?Also, stay in the loop on all that doubleTwist has to offer withthe included doubleTwist Store.doubleTwist Widgets is handmade with ❤ in San Francisco.If you have comments or feedback on our app, or need additionalsupport, please visit !Use of this app is subject to the doubleTwist Terms of Use andPrivacy Policy: the existing "Classic" widgets included with thedoubleTwist Player)doubleTwist Widgets will operate as an expansion-pack for otherdoubleTwist offerings, so this is the app to get if you use andlove doubleTwist's other apps. Additionally, when alarm is set indoubleTwist Alarm Clock app, a bell icon will be visible.2) Small (4x1), Medium (4x2) and Large (4x3) new music widgets("Modern" vs. The flip-clock can be positioned vertically prior tosetting the live wallpaper. Evenif you're not already a Player or Alarm Clock user, you'll love thenew live wallpaper included in doubleTwist Widgets.doubleTwist Widgets includes:1) World Clock live wallpaper with Alarm Clock integration: Thishi-res rendered, slowly panning globe is both beautiful andcalming. This is a companion app to doubleTwist MusicPlayer, bringing additional music widgets and livewallpapers.doubleTwist Widgets brings you a lovely collection of widgets, livewallpapers and more! If you use and love doubleTwist Player ordoubleTwist Alarm Clock you'll love the expanded functionality andpersonalization that doubleTwist Widgets offers to these apps. Swiss Clock live wallpaper.doubleTwist Alarm Clock is handmade with ❤ in San Francisco.If you have comments or feedback on our app, or need additionalsupport, please visit !Use of this app is subject to the doubleTwist Terms of Use andPrivacy Policy:.View time pending until next scheduled alarm.Set adjustable fade in time for alarm volume.
Choose from built-in alarm sounds and ringtones or wake up toyour favorite song or playlist (requires free doubleTwist Playerapp).Set recurring alarms (weekdays, weekends, etc).Sleep Cycle helps pick optimal wake-up times tocorrespond with sleep cycles. Set alarm through one of four modes: Time, Sleep Cycle, QuickNap, or Sunrise.Two clock modes: flip clock and analog clock, includes nightstanddim mode.The choice is yours!Alarm Clock Features: Or violently rouse yourselffrom deep slumber with death metal. In fact itis so good that I would consider switching to Android just for thisapp, for it is not available on iOS." - Om Malik, GigaomGently awaken to your favorite medley. "doubleTwist Alarm Clock has to be by far themost stunning of all time-watching apps on the market.